Anime Side View

Just as with the angry expression earlier also draw a hint of a pointy tooth.

Anime side view. For an angry look draw the eyebrows really low down in a wave like shape with the eyes squinted. Lightly smiling anime mouth side view. But these examples can also apply to drawing mouths in.

Anime girl angry side view drawing. For a lightly smiling anime mouth draw it close to a normal anime mouth but slightly longer and more curved. My older brothers just bought some pencils form china from 2h to 8b and i have been testing them out lately.

Anime male face side view grinning expression drawing. Real eyes are located directly on the halfway line. For a grinning face draw the eyebrow lowered and the eye squinted.

This is my first video using them i also got a n. Draw the lips pulled back showing the teeth and draw just a hint of the parting line of the teeth with the fang to reinforce the angry look at to emphasize that the teeth a clenched. To place anime eyes on the head form the side view or front view simply divide the head in two vertically and draw the eyes below that line.

Draw the mouth with the teeth showing curving slightly upwards into a pointy tip with a tiny wrinkle attached at the very end. May 26 2015 explore olivia wang s board anime side view on pinterest.