Easy Manga Eyes Female

Thus it is very important.

Easy manga eyes female. Basically an oval with the top and bottom hidden by the eyelids. Anime eyes are wide and very expressive. In this instructable i m going to show you how to make two different types of manga eyes.

So you should have a pretty good understanding of how to create a female manga character s eyes. They really show the character s feelings. Capture the emotions in your drawings with this simple and easy to follow how to draw anime eyes tutorial.

While there are literally thousands of variants the above tutorial should help with the basics. How to draw female eyes part 1 by atsuhisa okura and manga university the eyes are among the most important features of anime and manga characters. I didn t draw this.

Step 4 indicate dark area at top of iris female anime eye upper area. This is a simple drawing of human eye. You can almost tell from the shape and roundness that it looks like a female eye.

Male character s eyes while often just as expressive can be a bit easier to draw. They re actually fairly simple to draw since they re just made up of a few basic shapes. How to draw anime eyes male and female.

How to draw manga eyes two ways. The curves on the upper and lower lash lines should be slight so the eye doesn t look too round. By looking at the different types of anime eyes which can be found in anime shows you will be able to further understand how these character s eyes are used to.

They are along with the mouth the most expressive parts of the face and are part of what makes each character different and recognizable. Step 3 draw the pupil female anime eye pupil. Manga is japanese art comics.

I put this picture first so that you can compare the differences between manga eyes below and simple human eye drawing. Male anime eyes are usually smaller and narrower than female anime eyes. Inside the iris draw the pupil tracing the shape of the iris but smaller.

Female anime eye iris. Draw the eyes about 1 8th the height of the head and 1 4th the width of the head if you re drawing one. Anime eyes are big expressive and exaggerated.

The exact shapes and sizes are different depending on whether you re drawing male or female eyes but the process is similar for both.